Sunday, February 28, 2010

sunburned cheeks (finally!).

A post I wrote a few days back:

This morning I woke up to nudges from my boss asking me to take a shower. I have been resisting since I have no towel and have not yet made friends with the bucket, but her insistance forced me into the "bathroom" for a brisk and brief rinse off.  I was still full from the bottle of beer I drank last night (thats right- one beer) so I traded breakfast for gmail and anxiously awaited Akshay's arrival. 

When the team was together, we made our way back to the old city. I was there yesterday playing tourist but today I darted past the other foreigners and made my way to the neighborhoods (slums) where our Jaipur team lives.  The crew is currently shooting a film that addresses the need for water reform in the slum areas, so I tagged along to help with the filming process. As soon as the camera was assembled, the tiny street filled with curious onlookers- men, women, children, cows, goats, pigs, and piglets!   Their neighbors are curious, intriqued, and suspicious but generally support the team's desire to expose the problems of the community. 

Before each segment was filmed the team tapped their hearts and repeated, "all is well" which is a popular saying  from a recent Bollywood release, 3 Idiots.  For your viewing pleasure, the music video:

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