Thursday, June 24, 2010

There are rules?

I was asked to share my thoughts on volunteering/working/living abroad for an extended period of time. Here is what come to mind (in no particular order)...
1.   You have a lot to gain from all the people around you, so even when you want to walk away, stay put or when you want to interrupt, listen for a little longer.
2.    Do your best to not generalize. Its easy to fall into the trap, but notice when you are doing it and remind yourself that all you see and understand is not what happens everywhere and to everyone.
3.    Language is a problem.  Fight to learn as much as you can.  Enjoy the experiences when you can’t understand a word being exchanged.  Smile and be engaged. Expressions say a lot.
4.    Take the time to reflect on how little you know.
5.    Don’t underestimate yourself.  You can do a lot and if you are flexible enough you can really grow a great amount professionally.  First listen, take your time to better understand, and then get on it.  Make sure that whatever projects you take on you are as invested in them as your organization is.
6.    Remember that you have a lot more control than you realize in all situations.  You often cannot change what goes on around you but you can alter how you internalize and react to external factors.  Reflect on how you handle situations and think of ways to do it better next time.  There will always be a next time.
7.    You are here for a short time.  Remember that.  Don’t dream up big new projects or take the lead on major developments, be helpful but recognize when its time to step down.  The organization was here before you and, if you are lucky, it will be there after you.
8.    Do a lot.  This way when something goes wrong, and it will, you have many other things happening to focus on.  Keep your spirits high.
9.    Find a way to stay active outside of work.  Join a pool, play Frisbee, read at a café- force (sometimes it feels forced at first) yourself to be out.
10.  Learn the rules first, break a few later. 
11.  It gets hot. Really hot.  But somehow we all make it out ok and look back on it somewhat fondly.  Get excited and embrace it.  Then find some A/C and don’t feel (too) guilty for occasionally hiding out in it.

Last but not least, be sincere.  You are bound to get lost in the struggle of trying to navigate cultural sensitivity, relativism, empathy, and everything else that comes along with this work, but always be true to yourself.  As much as you learn from those around you, be sure to return the favor and share your self (or yourself).  As much as you question what you see and hear, take the time to question what you feel and say.  You know when someone is not being sincere- its awkward and hurtful.  
If you do nothing else, just be sincere.
You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into!  (And that’s probably the best part of it all)

1 comment:

  1. i'm taking this one with me:

    6. Remember that you have a lot more control than you realize in all situations. You often cannot change what goes on around you but you can alter how you internalize and react to external factors. Reflect on how you handle situations and think of ways to do it better next time. There will always be a next time.
