Monday, November 30, 2009


Yesterday was a day for the books! Marni, a world partners fellow working in Baroda, came for a visit. Baroda is a minature A'bad about 2.5 hours away by bus. First things first, we went on a hunt for a bottle of wine or a can of beer. In a dry state like Gujarat i am told foreigners can obtain a permit which will instantly open a rusty vault filled with booze. However, on sunday, this proofed to be a lie. we strolled into the poshest hotel situated on the river bank of the Old City to be greeted by HIGH ceilings and soothing indoor waterfalls, but no liquor store. I learned that there is one hotel that has one liquor store that is not open on Sundays (my only day off) and hardly open during the week. My hunt for booze in A'bad is over, so I hope my thirst for a glass of wine is quenched. I think fresh lime sodas might do the trick- fresh lime pulp/juice, sugar, and club soda that fizzes with delight!
Defeated and thirsty we had a nice meal of parathas - thick pancakes stuffed with p'tots and onions.

After rummaging through the sunday market, we ventured off for a jazz concert on the campus of an arts university! The show was less than spectacular, but it was the first live concert I have attended in far over a month so I am thankful. Saskia Laroo came from the Netherlands to introduce India to jazz and hip hop. A bunch of my coworkers came out and we danced to "route 66" and "georgia"- It has been so long since I have danced (in public) that I almost forget how to shake my hips.

I am happy to report that after a few songs I got my groove back!

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